Our Blog

21 Jun
Contemporary Australian Design: Creativity Applied to Everyday Things and Collectibles

A lecture presented by Simone LeAmon to the Australian Decorative and Fine Arts Society. Presenting a collection of 22 items designed between 1985-2012 across the production modes of the one-off collectible, prototype, limited edition and mass production, Simone set the stage for a cultural investigation of contemporary Australian design. Sharing the stories, meaning and messages

21 Apr
Unexpected Pleasures opens at the National Gallery of Victoria

Organised by the Design Museum London Unexpected Pleasures is an exhibition of 200 works by Australian and international contemporary jewellers, curated by Susan Cohn, acclaimed Australian jeweller and designer. Currently on show at the National Gallery of Victoria the exhibition examines the conceptual and material boundaries of contemporary jewellery practice. Sitting in the company of

14 Dec
A New York Thank You

In appreciation of conversations shared with the community of the New York Creative Social Concern Simone LeAmon artist-designer in residence, 2011 Australia Council, Greene Street New York Studio, presents: ROCK-A-BY A New York thank you gift Wednesday, December 14th, 6.00pm – 8.00pm Cappellini NYC Showroom 152 Wooster Street #1 New York, NY Rock-a-by is a

10 Sep
Prototyping: Making Ideas

JamFactory Craft and Design Centre Curated by Margaret Hancock Davis, Prototyping: Making Ideas is an exhibition that highlights the exceptional prototyping skills developed by Australian designers, demonstrating the journey of some of their most successful products from idea, to sketch, to prototype, to final product. Through the development of prototypes, the hands-on skills of designer/makers

10 Sep
The Designer as Storyteller

A creative masterclass for design practitioners presented by Simone LeAmon A series of creative masterclasses organised by the School of Art, Architecture and Design at the University of South Australia offers design professionals a range of intensive full-day design sessions with master practitioners. Designer and artist Simone LeAmon lead the first masterclass “The designer as