UNLIMITED: Designing for the Asia Pacific


A design event set to reaffirm the value of design in the Asia Pacific region Queensland hosted Unlimited: Designing for the Asia Pacific from 4-10 October 2010. A week of public talks, workshops, master classes, events and exhibitions: Unlimited placed significance on how design and design thinking can address real world issues across the region. Moderated by Lee Lin Chin of SBS Television and Unlimited Ambassador, Global Artisan Q&A aimed to explore how the forces of globalisation will impact upon creative practitioners and how these forces may shape the future
Developed in partnership with the Australian Craft and Design Centres, Global Artisan was an opportunity to see the world through the eyes of the entrepreneur, the marketer, the designer, the curator and the maker.
Speakers included

Bunker Roy Founder, Barefoot College India, Marie So, Director, Ventures in Development Hong Kong, Kevin Murray, Writer and curator, Kitezh, Suzi Vaughan, Portfolio Director of Fashion, Queensland University of Technology, Simone LeAmon, Founding Director, O.S. Initiative and Brian Parkes, Managing Director, Jam Factory


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